by Chandler Mathis | Aug 25, 2022 | Blogs
Why Labs Need More Than A Traditional Medical Billing Company Laboratory medical billing falls under the umbrella of healthcare specialties that traditional medical billing companies advertise to serve. However, the laboratory billing cycle is unique and can be... by Chandler Mathis | Aug 9, 2022 | Blogs
5 Laboratory Billing Metrics Your Lab Should Track A clinical laboratory’s success is dependent upon the transparency of its financial performance in common, but critical, laboratory billing metrics. Without an idea of the facility’s performance in terms of billing... by Chandler Mathis | Jul 6, 2022 | Whitepapers
Filing A Clean Claim the First Time with Phytest Even the most operationally efficient independent laboratory can fail if it’s unable to ensure it’s being paid appropriately for every test performed. For a laboratory competing in a complex healthcare environment,...